Elucidation Emeritus

A rare literary acheivement. Possibly the best book of the late 20th century.
Using the literary devices of musically inspired, recondite fiction and colorful essay,
the author produces a thematic, interrelated, flowing collection of epic literature
unlike anything previously seen in the world of the written word. Masterpiece?

As complelling as Literature gets; a must read for anyone with any genuine interest in the higher self and
its relation to the beauty and power of the Universe. A syllabus for the inspired mind.........


Heralding the second beginning
The pen rises and demands life
Silent, dormant for years, it moves again

Be it baroque or abstruse
The evolving scanning found the other spectrum
The musical monolith was awakened
The merciful incantations of fate announce the
solar eclipse, the insects, the black magic

In a flash of subdued exuberance
A sound was heard, the pen was moved
Like that which signals and aligns to another me
The choral antipathy spiraled and jumped dimensions
I am the anti-matter, the symphonic undertow
The psychic quantum, the light of metallic karma

Dormant no more, the harmonies converge
The affinities of Shiva unveil the new age of flowers
Above and below, in a triad of celestial chords
The new masters have invoked the toltec interphase

I hear the dreaming overture
A force from within and without
It moves as it moves the prophecy
From the collected slothful sediment, layer by layer
The pen has heard the metal, now turn and face the slayer

Dark Meditations,
Silent Runumerations
Can Anti-matter sing one song?
Pen of Abraxas moves, neither right nor wrong
That which was still stirs once again
Attention watchers of the void
Praise and raise the pen



See the beauty in the chaos
See it sparkle and tilt on the edge of duality
See the movement in the stillness
See it perpetuate the dialectic interplay

Feel the poverty in the excess
And the sadness in the splendor
They occupy the same symbiotic explanation
They defy equivocation by concentric encampment

Hear the power in the pianissimo
The singular in the plural
Reminding us to see the latitude of co-valence
The oneness of the zodiac
The elusive gemini of every concept
And the enigmatic polarity of every ethereal construct

Sense the shifting in the permanence
The calm within the storm
Feel the dominance in submission
And hear the beauty in the power
That reminds us to see
The eternal light in the darkness above
The sublime and simple knowledge in the seeing thereof



The Stage was set
On this night, as on many before
They came walking
To observe, to witness again from the cliff
The noisy chaos and confusion of the village, the city
There they stood silent, tranquil, expressionless
Viewing the miserable human condition down below

On this star-filled night, they stood unnoticed
Observing down below, this one chapter of humanity
This one slice of existence as few do
Becalmed by a joyful resilience, they stood silent
And watched the degradation, the clamoring disorder below
The drama was there

With an unspoken passion for progress, for change
They stood silent, expressionless
Knowing the futility of the impassioned verbal
Pacified by the concessions to history, to destiny
Aware of how long it would take for the rancid disorder
and stagnation to run its course

On this night, as on many before
They had come to observe what they could not live with
To witness, at a distance, the impiety and deception
The alcoholic decadence and disharmony
Knowing too well how long it would take for mankind
to shut up and begin to think

With only a faint breeze and the sound of crickets to accompany,
They paused to reaffirm their communion with the quantum Spirit
With more to say than any volume could hold
They took one last, long look and then saying nothing
Turned and strode back to their humble, wooded homes
Aware of how long it would be until mankind
would discover, rediscover himself, his creator

As they disappeared into the darkened woods
A chilling ambiance descended onto the scene
As if one brief, fleeting moment from the future had been summoned

As if one distant niche had lost its way in time
From below the cliff, you could almost hear the bartender's final admonition

Last call for Silence
Last call for Silence
Last call was for Silence


Was it Aristotle or Aerosmith
Cycles decode the erudite signatori
The Oratoria inspires the Oracle
Art must entertain and instruct
The transcendental affinity may be plural.
Apostles of twilight, clarify the psychedelica

Was it Sousa or Santana
A strict feasibility therein
Art must exhilarate other artists
The path of the Enterprise touched the Stratavarius within
The composer invokes the most inexorable theory
The listener was conscience

A pronoun in the attic
In crypt, a carnival of teleology
The vicissitudes of inhibition lay immersed
in the immortality of imperfection
The teacher was metaphysics

Was it Shakespeare or Saturn
Art must imitate its elusive essence
A repository of demonstrative impressions
A multiplicity of causes
Who will be the first to present the Opus Illuminatio
The elucidation of intensities and magnitudes
A significance crescendos
Awaken the Guardian

A running dialogue with perplexity
A shower of ambiance
Was it a storm or a symphony
Beauty in the eye, the mind's eye
Behold the invisible opulence
The subjective counterpoint, the eternal recurrence
The artist pacifies the semantic limitation
And envies the index of the intellectual

Was it Tull or Tchaikovsky
Was Edith Keeler a dream
Form or formless, a substrata of symbolism
The most intuitive wavelength submits to the tonal affectation
The intellect, by appreciation, gravitates to the artistic

A concomitant of sensuality, a nomenclature of self
Art a mirroring of precision
Let the content become the form
Art a reflection of social entropy
The great pool awaits
Or was it Bach's directive sensing Spock's perspective
Or both?

Without Music

Without music,
I would flounder in stagnation
Unable to compensate for what I see
My spirit would secumb to the injustice and corruption around me

Without music,
The scale inside would tip
The bitterness and frustration would seep in too easily
The front page, the noon rush would invade and poison

Without music,
I would be without the instructing wavelengths
Separated from all hope of enlightenment
I would lose contact with the divine
Thus sanity would soon flee

Music, sophisticated and sublime
You've come so far
Now on the threshold of becoming a religion
Some say you are the fruit
But in reality, you are the very tree
Without music,
I would be without myself
A candle with no no chance of flame,
A man invisibly wounded and lame
Without music, all things would become the same


As amazing as confusing,
I search for a god as elusive as he is silent
Like so many,
I search for goodness and order
Only to find rampant suffering and injustice
And slowly he moves away

Impeded and impaired by tradition,

I reach out for an absolute, an omnipotence,

an intervening divine providence
Only to find and more real and active power
in the hands of the greedy, the rich, the devious
And further he moves away

Astounded and alone,
I yearn for answers, one answer
The overly translated and re-interpreted good book
leaves me doubting and confused
How could any divine entity have any relation to such gibberish?
And even farther he moves away.........

Alone and dejected,
I find, without looking, an excess of stupidity and
hypocrisy within the evangelical masses
I resent their misguided scorn and prejudice
I remember the spiritual benevolence of the indian past

Despondent and bewildered,
I sit.......abandoned to the celestial absurdity
Thoroughly destitute of purpose and foundation
Lost in my own tormenting emptiness
I wait for a possible omen, a message from somewhere
In lugubrious silence, I sit, unable to see, feel, or communicate
with a power that was supposed to console me in moments of need

And much farther does he move away...........

But something catches my eye
A sunset to the west
Colors and feeling flood my senses
I sense an immortality to the inhuman beauty
I feel, as never before, a wordless amazement

Touched by the awesome splendor,
I hear the intoxicating sounds
A metallic symphony, a myriad of majestic tones
I begin to understand, I feel the inspiration

And gradually, slowly, he begins to return

A thunderstorm to the south,
Not passive like the sunset
I watch, captivated and enthralled,
I sense the power and the glory
Drawn into the awesome, animated fury
into he present tense,
I sense my spiritual essence
I sense a piece of the orchestrating presence

And closer he moves with increasing speed.....

Another night, another lesson
A star filled extravaganza, a masterpiece above
Wiser and more reverent, I now know what a see
I am at one with the universe
The intoxicating mystery and wonder is understood
I feel deep appreciation
The magic of this nocturnal spectacle reveals nature
to be his church

And much closer does he move and return.....

Revitalized and reborn,
I am made aware of the self, the inner dimension
I know from the music, the sunset, the storm that the
emotions must first pass through the intellect
I feel the beauty and the power
And I sense a most definite supremacy and design
I understand my purpose, my nexus
The reason for everything

Be it minutes, hours or decades
My search is possibly mankind's search

The biochemist sees, the astronomer knows
The eternal magnificence has returned, here joy flows
How lucky I am to have searched so long and then found
The grand creator of nature's perfection; In him we now abound


Misunderstood from inception
I gradually devine the answers to sanity

I harm no one
I consider it
An incoherent morality encumbers me

My subconscious is slowly eroding
Through masterful introspection
More and more is made conscious

Here in this web of esteemed paradox
I find identity in the scholarship of the times
I have broken the chains of cause and effect
There is reason in the madness

I baske in the spectral excellence
I see the graph within, the intelligentsia praecox
I sedate the ionized telepathy
The strains of a priestly ecologue accompany
I must be out of your mind

In spired by indolence amorphous
I awaken from a dream within a dream
A cashe of tidings, a corridor to the unopened
Hands move toward the virgin keys
Narcissus modeled the arabesque coincidence
The carolers came at halloween

By the blessings of limbic revelation
I pacify the guided misnomer
I defame no one
I gleefully ascend the star-lit stairway
The last rose initiates the calling drama

In the balance of ultimates
The honored gestalt anchors an unconscious momentum
The immovable force illuminates the signature of scorpius

An oratoria of infinite colors
A sensoria of parallels, of a beatific euphoria
The master commands the student to feel, to fly
To play in the key of ecstasy

Theology of Theta

A desert premonition
A revelation Abraxas
A vision of pure green
Vast and incoporea
and behind it a story, a text

It told of hasidic harmony
The synergy of yin/yang
A holography party that became a community seance
On the way to Ixtlan, the children of idiots saw the shadow of ethos

A soliloquy for the promise of affinities
A paradigm of chromatic obeisance
In emerald crypt, the naissance of the nagual resurfaced
from the clairvoyant ocean

A microcosm of indulgence
In the magic anonymous magic of dim twilight
The unbalanced witness and the nocturnal angel
saw the doll's house and the yellow light within

An earthrise through the morning mist
A shaman on the mountainside
communicating with the chlorophyll, the spiraling ions
He knows of the celebration, the celestial convergence
On their way to Ixtlan, the children of the triangle
were bathed in the melodies of Buddhism
The theology of Theata

By the running stream, a priestess in trance
Observing the vernal energy around her, and in front
a rich, edifying layer of pure green, and behind,
a text, another story known only in the depths of the universal mind


We, the few intelligent people, in order to form a more reasonable
musical, and perfect union, establish a real foundation for justice,
provide for the common sense and defense, promote the universal welfare,
and intellect, secure the unique blesings of psychological liberty to ourselves
and our posterity, do hereby ordain and establish this inspired and more perfect
Constitution for the people of the Americas and the World.

In order to see that these divine princples will be both valued and
observed, as well as incorporated and utilized, we will devote our
energies to education supreme and to the raising of consciousness;
we will insure genuine domestic tranquility and social justice by
promoting music, literacy, and the arts; we will provide for and benefit
from the general welfare by instilling a sense of harmony, intelligence,
and appreciation for nature; we will secure the blessings of freedom
by allowing enlightenment and individualism to flourish in the spirit
of communal cooperation. In the name of a more meaningful and
perfect world, we do ordain and establish these hallowed principles.
May justice, joy, and truth be known to all men.



Enamoured inscriptions and intertwined addictions
Face the scale of a thousand contradictions
From the immeasurable to the pleasurable
Scan the heavens and laugh away the inhibitions

Ebullient entities and modified amenities
Rescind the tide of neurotic osmosis
Centrifigal civilities with no plausible infinities
Applaud the wave of sensual hypnosis

A question of genius, a particle of light
A carousel of sound to exilarate the sight
Compelled by solstice to occipital mysteries
Unveil the visitations that sustain your histories

From synaptic extension to the implosion of illusion
Transference announces and ordains the diffusion
That insures the sensations that the species sees and hears
The wonderlust of angels, the honed timbre of the spheres


Psychology II

The minds senses futility
And changes direction unconsciously
The active mind is nurtured by accompaniment
In the atmosphere,
Truth is imagined, fallacy is easily discerned

The aware mind benefits from the intellectual emotions
Here the potential for excellence flourishes
The mind is connected to the social complex,
The plant life, the universe, the existential synapse

The reflective mind seeks order
And is impeded by the desultory stacking of information
Like papers and magazines stacked in heaps,
The items, the needed memories are not easily pulled
The childhood mind provides the perfect model
Where knowledge is stored in compartments, not stacks

The mind, by design, feasts off excitement
And suffers proportionally to the degree of boredom imposed
The complete mind ascends to a new specific gravity
And sees the panoramic grades of difference
The magnitudes of emotion
The levels, the intensities of similitude

The incomplete mind is confused by the overlapping dimensions
It must be angered in order to assert, to act
Here inhibition and external influence transact

The searching mind flirts with the relativity of values
Ethics the quickest was to misery, to incongruity

As an abstraction, an extension of the encephalon
The musical mind is pleased by the company of reason
And finds the mere presence of disharmony painful

The oceanic mind senses destiny
Yet ascribes to the challenge of free will
With intelligence, there is tranquil ambivalence
By purpose and sobriety, the superior mind excels and shines

The mind, when stilled, feels the power within
The emerging mind seeks clarity, a balance of categories
The complete mind reflects the symmetry of the macrocosm
And reaps the rewards of an enhanced awareness,
The supreme art, the science of thinking




I. Symbiosis

Distilled from the incandescent aftermath
Resurrected from the risidual acceleration
Happenstance reannounces its umbral majesty
As it renews the reality of fantasy, the primal motif

Blasting out of obscurity
The synodic incantations survey the utopian soundscape
The silent prophet appears, the masses abstain
From unconscious to subconscious, particle to wave
His message essays the enemy within, he disappears

Moving toward the fifth dimension
The secret doctrine detonates into interstellar overdrive
The guru's imagination colors its symbiotic octave
Revealing the empyrean abcissa, the transactional counterglow

Now nestled within the opus aquaticus
The glass bead quotient sublimates intact
As an overture to the gestalt opus
As an overtone emeritus to the eloquence of astronomy

From the thoilian web to the second concentric power
Auspicions  filter through a carnival of souls
Wisdom demands freedom, philosophy pleads insanity
The conductor takes his place

II. Emerson

Inside the empty church
The talent of the listener is liberated
Above the appositive perihelion
A beacon of pure genius shines through

Like the wisdom of a thousand compressed into one
His timeless ideas uplift the human condition

Unequaled by any mortal mind
His guess worth a multitude of sterile methods
His brilliance waits for another time, a new age

Conforming to Nature's theory alone
His art esteemed by a guiding radiance
Asking us to think aloud
To commune with the benefit of Creation

Like a song complete when it recycles to end
His words resound, his quest is realized

A phenomenologist supreme
His genius transcends the imperfect norm
By divine intellect, his professorship endures onward
To a universal subtext, to an astronomy of Mind

III. Gestalt

By seducing the precept of number
To connected parts expand their identity
A nondescript reality ensues

I see two, I hear three
I see three, I hear five
Tricking the senses, the continuum
The ensemble defracts the dubious reality
The Mind is held in jubilation

By breaking the laws of mathematics
The parts exceed the whole
The conditioned response submits
To a new awareness, to the psychoacoustical motif

I feel the strings, the keys at mind's reach
As the synergized synchronicity spirals
Into an unknown umbillical madness
Into an elegant violation of assumptive truth

IV. Dharma

Approaching the gates of ukiah
The pacific octave descends
Centering in the elliptical self
A pragmatic beauty ascends

I do, you do, there is no inclination to compare
Where harmony exists, no difference matters
The ordered mind attunes to the iron string
Tranquility assigns and vectors with the highest objective

Repelling discord, a discernable reliance flows
From oregon to windham hill, the kundalini amplifies
Ass the west absorbs, a cosmic guidance grows
Illumination, the prime directive of Hereclitus is realized

I see a face, there is immediate understanding
He shines, adhering to no foolish consistency
He is in dialogue with the forces that shape the world
There is no need to be me

Within the metallic thoughtopolis, the atman rejoices
Here there is harmony in diversity
Without ever intending, a common denominator is born
Destinies soar, the evanescent abcissa returns in phase

V. Entropy

In the transfer of an exponential sagacity
The general is lost in the specefic
Similitude dissolves into the transdimensional imperative

Transversing the infrared mirage
Brilliance is absorbed by the collective caprice
The fugue begins, the conductor spins
The gestalt assimilates the isolated thesis

As a corollary to the displaced equality
The protracted overtones nebulize into the intuitive resevoir
Time slows, the loaded dice fall
The chorus echoes the timeless, ascending emanations


The Book Continues